Bombay Bible College and Seminary
Bombay Bible College and Seminary
Bombay Bible College and Seminary
Bombay Bible College and Seminary
Bombay Bible College and Seminary
Bombay Bible College and Seminary
Bombay Bible College and Seminary

Bombay Bible College & Seminary

Come, Grow, Go!

We believe Bible School is the Highest Form of Education which equips an individual to think precisely with God. Bible College teaches you how to have life!
God desires to raise up Christians who are skilled in applying the Word of God. Thus, a Bible College education is valuable training regardless of the vocation ultimately chosen. Bombay Bible College & Seminary provides Biblical education that provides spiritual and educational resources to prepare and train up people for their call and explore their unique, God-given purpose.
Students are trained to be effective leaders in the Body of Christ, the community, the nation, and the world. Our mandate is to train students in the ministry, as well as to equip and mobilize believers from all walks of life to be active, effective members of God’s family. Many graduates have become full-time Pastors, missionaries, church planters; others help out in different ministries in the local church; and others leaders in their work places, education and business.
Our programs balance training in academics, practical ministry, leadership, Spirit-led living and ministering with power. Bombay Bible College & Seminary endeavors to equip students to be people of character and maturity, and ministers of excellence and power in whatever area God calls them to serve.
What we offer
Students are equipped to
Students are exposed to
Mission trips where they experience cross cultural ministry, meet missionaries on the field and use their God given gifts in various evangelistic settings in villages, towns and cities. Many return with transformed lives and a deeper sense of their call to serve God.
If you have a call from God for missions and church planting, and desire to have a Bible college training with practical ministry experience you may Contact Us
Note: Sponsorships to BBC&S may be granted to suitable candidates after an in depth interview.