Greater Grace Outreach
Greater Grace Outreach
Greater Grace Outreach
Greater Grace Outreach
Greater Grace Outreach
Greater Grace Outreach
Greater Grace Outreach
Greater Grace Outreach
Greater Grace Outreach


Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, ...

Living in a country where Christians number just 2.3% of the entire population. There are ample opportunities to win souls and share the Finished work of the gospel. Outreach is just taking the good news we have received and sharing it with others. It is our greatest joy to see people respond with tears in their eyes, because of the love of God. We provide numerous programs that give the Body the opportunity to grow in this area of their Christianity.
Our Outreaches:
1. Weekly Soul Winning
Jesus was personally a soul winner. He ministered on the streets of the cities and in the villages. Throughout the gospels we see Him speaking one on one to people like Nicodemus, the woman of Samaria and many others. Each week, teams of people from our church are on the streets of Mumbai, sharing the gospel with the lost. It is very common to see people on the streets receiving Jesus Christ as their Saviour and making a profession of faith.
2. Praise March (Twice a year)
The Praise March is a creative strategy we have to evangelize one section of the city at a time. So we rent a truck and mount our Gospel band on this beautifully decorated truck. This team sings as the truck moves on a 4 km stretch. At intervals, our preachers get up and share the clear gospel message from the truck. This creates such an attraction on the streets and people come from everywhere, some listen from their balconies as our preachers preach. At every Praise March we distribute about 40,000 to 50,000 gospel tracts.
3. Christmas Gospel Concert
Christmas Gospel Concert is an outreach where our music team uses the Chritmas season to sing carols to people. People come to listen to the performance and at intervals, our preachers get up and share the clear gospel message from the stage. We also are sharing the gospel to the people nearby.